Thursday, February 10, 2011

Protection From Urine Leakage!

My Husband and I thought that it was so cute how our baby boys would sleep on their tummies with their little behinds in the air. That was until they started to leak urine all over themselves and their beds at night. Another function of the BBP is leakage protection from urine. Flip the Protector around to the front of your baby so that the pad is covering your little ones belly. In this position it will absorb any urine that may leak out during the night, especially for those belly sleepers out there (I have also known little boys to leak urine anytime during the day). This was a life saver for me when one of my baby boys was about 1 yr. old. He continued to leak at night, causing him to wake up needing a complete change of clothes, and complete change of sheets. We were losing sleep and washing sheets all week long. Once I started using the BBP to protect against the urine leakage at night, there were no more sleep disruptions, well from urine leakage at least! Now if your little one is a toddler having this problem you may need a bigger waist on the BBP. Measure your toddlers waist around the waist of the diaper and see if it is larger than 18 in. If so, make your order but be sure to specify that you need one with a larger waist, and indicate your little ones measurement. You may email me first if you would like,

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