Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm back, and the BBP really works!

I am back in town, order all the BBPs you want! So, my baby is now at the "Blowout" stage and I am finally able to test the BBP out for myself. I had them tested by family and friends before I started selling them, but my second child was out of the blowout stage when I created the BBP, so this is my first time using them. I love them! We traveled on a plane this holiday, so I was grateful to have the security of the BBP. My baby had not experienced a blowout yet, but he was due for one so I was sure to have him protected. You wouldn't believe it, we sat down on the plane and 2 minutes later he starts pushing. Now, I was excited because I knew I was protected, so as soon as he was done I couldn't wait to see if the BBP had done it's job. YES, it did! I was smiling the whole time I was changing his diaper (with no disastrous mess). I was traveling by myself with 3 little boys, so if I had not had the BBP it would have been a stressful, messy disaster. The BBP saved us again and again throughout the trip, one time while he was sitting on my husband’s lap, so my husband was very grateful for the BBP then (I'll post pictures later). On the way home my baby, again, started pushing as soon as we got on the plane. He didn't blowout but I was so grateful that I didn't have to worry about him blowing out. I love the Baby Blowout Protector!

The Design

The Baby Blowout Protector is designed to work as an extension of your standard diaper. The BBP is placed on the back of your baby with the waistband wrapped around the waistband of the existing diaper. In this position it will catch any leakage that may escape out the back of the diaper. Your onesies and clothes will be saved!